Council for Churches

In Africa

Our Mission
Our mission at the Council for Churches in Africa (CCA) is to serve as an Ecumenical and Ecclesiastical Authority Umbrella Body, functioning as a regional board. We unite, represent, effect change, capacitate, and advance economic growth, tolerance, coexistence, and foundational support for all churches.

As a resounding voice for African churches on the global stage, we strive to be the beacon that amplifies the collective strength of diverse faith communities. Our commitment lies in fostering unity, promoting economic development, and championing tolerance and coexistence among churches. Through our endeavors, we aim to provide a platform for African churches to be recognized and heard worldwide.
Our Vision
Our vision at the Council for Churches in Africa (CCA) is to congregate, address inequalities, evangelize, transform, intermediate, intercede, and craft religious and socio-cultural mechanisms. We aspire to ensure the prevalence of sanity among churches, religious bodies, governments, and other responsible authorities. Our overarching goal is to foster peace, coexistence, tolerance, and unwavering support for the church's mission.

We envision a harmonious congregation of diverse faith communities, actively addressing societal disparities and championing transformative initiatives. As intermediaries and intercessors, we are dedicated to crafting mechanisms that promote religious, socio-cultural, and governmental harmony. In doing so, we aim to facilitate an environment where the prophetic, healing, and life-saving missions of the church can thrive, delivering people worldwide.
Legal Status
The Council for Churches in Africa (CCA) holds the legal status of an autonomous body, characterized by perpetual succession and independent legal existence separate from its members. As an autonomous entity, the CCA is entitled to own properties and has the authority to initiate legal actions (to sue and be sued) in its own name.

It is essential to note that members do not possess rights to any of the organization's assets, reinforcing the distinct and independent nature of the Council for Churches in Africa.
The One True Godhead:
We affirm the existence of the one true Godhead—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—three persons, each with distinct attributes, yet in absolute and perfect unity.
The Divinely Inspired Word of God:
We acknowledge the divinely inspired and written Word of God as our complete guide for faith and practice.
Faith, Fallen Nature, and Depravity of Man:
Recognizing the fallen nature and depravity of man, we affirm that, by himself, man is unable to please God.
The Elect Purpose and Grace of God:
We embrace the elect purpose and grace of God, manifested through the sacrificial death, resurrection, and ascension of His Son, Jesus Christ, providing a means for man’s salvation.
The Council, Body of Christ, and Scriptural Ministries:
We acknowledge the Council as the Body of Christ, a fellowship of saints, governed by Christ, the Head of His Church, through His Word and Scriptural Ministries.
Christian Sacraments (Ordinances):
We observe the Christian Sacraments of Water Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
Baptism in the Holy Spirit:
We affirm the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the manifestations of His Fruit, Gifts, and Graces
Pre-millennial Second Advent:
We anticipate the Pre-millennial Second Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bodily Resurrection, Eternal Judgments, and New Heaven and Earth:
We believe in the Bodily Resurrection of Mankind, the Eternal Judgments of God, the final doom of Satan, and anticipate a new Heaven and a new Earth.
Business Development:
The department shall play a pivotal role in the development of businesses within member churches, aiming to create long-term value for the country and members through market expansion and relationship building.
Funding Acquisition:
It will source funds from reputable financial institutions to support and facilitate business initiatives.
Member Training and Empowerment:
The department is committed to training members in modern business practices, equipping them with knowledge and financial stability for their ventures.
Import-Export Operations:
Engaging in the import and export of goods and services to contribute to economic growth and international trade.
Job Creation and Entrepreneurship Promotion:
The focus includes creating jobs, promoting entrepreneurship, and fostering wealth creation among members.
Collaboration with Financial Institutions:
To enhance economic initiatives, the department will partner with financial institutions and businesses, aligning with the council’s business policy.
Infrastructure Development:
In line with government policies, the department will contribute to nation-building by establishing educational and health facilities, furthering the overall development goals set by the country.
Spiritual and Biblical Guidance:
To serve as the champion of the African Union, providing spiritual and biblical guidance to its leadership.
Infrastructure and Social Support:
To establish schools, universities, clinics, hospitals, orphanages, and businesses in support of churches and nations at large.
Church Registration and Database:
To register churches under the Council for Churches in Africa, maintaining a comprehensive database.
Leadership Development:
To provide well-trained and spiritually inclined church leaders, offering spiritual leadership and guidance to African states and leaders within the African Union.
Conflict Resolution:
To address issues of conflict, peace, and justice through dialogue and non-political measures.
Foster Unity:
To foster unity among members of the African Union and the global community.
Expression of Lordship:
To give expression to the Lordship of Christ over every aspect of human life, promoting spiritual, intellectual, and human rights, as well as freedom of worship in member states.
Equality and Gender Equity:
To recognize the equality of all human beings and promote gender equality.
Core Values:
To uphold transparency, justice, accountability, and responsiveness.
African Unity and Diversity:
To foster African unity, peace, and stability, respecting the diversity of languages, ethnicities, races, cultures, and religions.
Rights of Specific Groups:
To recognize and uphold the rights of persons with disabilities, women, the elderly, youth, and children.
Religious, Educational, Charitable Work:
To engage in religious, educational, charitable, and benevolent work as determined by the organization’s constitution.
Ownership and Maintenance:
To own and maintain necessary property and buildings to fulfill the stated purpose.
Defense Against False Prophets:
To combat false prophets and promote the true gospel of Christianity globally.
Voice of the Church:
To be the voice of the church and people in matters related to life.
Leadership in Social Issues:
To provide leadership in non-political issues such as health, education, and the rights of women and children.
Extension of the Kingdom of God:
To extend the kingdom of God through lawful methods according to the Holy Scriptures.
Good Order of the Church:
To maintain and promote the good order of the Church, establishing regulations as an extension of the constitution.
Membership Rules and Assemblies:
To prepare and receive people as members, lay down rules, and establish assemblies.
Assembly Boards and Committees:
To set up various assembly boards, committees, or associations deemed necessary.
Pastoral Leadership:
To train, legitimate, ordain, and where necessary, demote and dismiss pastors and workers.
Financial and Legal Transactions:
To engage in various financial and legal activities, including investments, property transactions, agreements, and legal proceedings.
Media Platforms and Educational Institutions:
To establish and operate media platforms for outreach, including television, online media, and radio. To build and operate Bible Colleges, Training Centers, or other spiritually and temporally significant institutions.
Legal Matters and Advocacy:
To institute, conduct, defend, abandon, or compound any law-suit, action, or proceedings in any court of law, as defined in the Regulations.
Promotion of Gender Balance:

The organization is committed to promoting full gender balance in African society, specifically:

(a) Encouraging affiliated states to promote the full participation of women in all spheres of African society, ensuring equality with men.

(b) Taking all necessary measures, including legislative ones, to ensure that both genders are equally represented in the organization at every level in each state.
Best Interests of Children:
The Council must adopt policies and measures to ensure that, in matters relating to children, the best interests of the children concerned are paramount.
Comprehensive Child Well-being Policies:
The organization must adopt reasonable policies and measures, within the limits of the resources available to it, to ensure that children:
(a) Enjoy family and parental care.
(b) Have shelter and basic nutrition, health care, and social services.
(c) Are protected from maltreatment, neglect, or any form of abuse.
(d) Have access to appropriate education and training.
(e) Are protected from exploitative labor practices.

Members must take appropriate measures to ensure that –

Free Consent:
No marriage is entered into without the free consent of the intending spouses.

Protection of Children:
Children are not pledged in marriage.

Encouragement of True Love and True Marriages:
Efforts will be made to encourage true love and genuine marriages.

Support for Wedding Traditions:
Members will encourage weddings and the practice of Lobola, recognizing and respecting cultural traditions.

Freedom to Love:
Promoting the freedom to love, ensuring that individuals have the autonomy to choose their partners.

Agricultural Promotion:
Affiliated members shall actively encourage individuals to cultivate and store sufficient food to contribute to overall food security.
Establishment of Reserves:
The department will work towards securing the establishment of adequate food reserves to address potential shortages.
Nutrition Advocacy:
To promote proper nutrition, the department will engage in mass education and other suitable methods to encourage and ensure adequate and proper nutrition.
Value Chain Creation:
Partnering with large commercial farmers, agro-processing companies, and retailers, the department aims to create value chains that support small-scale farming members.
Empowerment of Small-scale Farmers:
Efforts will be made to empower and support small-scale farming communities by advocating for support from the national government and international donors where applicable.
Global Hunger Relief:
In line with humanitarian values, the department will actively contribute to feeding the hungry around the world. 
Respect, Support, and Protection:

Members must take reasonable measures at every level, including legislative measures, to secure respect, support, and protection for elderly persons, enabling them to actively participate in the life of their communities.

Facilities and Social Care:

Efforts will be made to provide facilities, food, and social care for elderly persons who are in need.

Productive Engagement Programs:

The organization is committed to developing programs that give elderly persons the opportunity to engage in productive activities suited to their abilities, consistent with their vocations, and aligned with their desires.

Recognition of Rights:
Members must recognize the rights of persons with physical or mental disabilities, ensuring that they are treated with respect and dignity at every level

Mitigation of Disadvantages:
Members, at every level, must, within the limits of available resources, work to minimize the disadvantages suffered by persons with disabilities.

Welfare Programs:
Efforts will be made to develop programs for the welfare of persons with physical or mental disabilities, particularly work programs consistent with their capabilities and acceptable to them or their legal representatives.

Priority in Development Plans:
Members shall consider the specific requirements of persons with all forms of disability as one of the priorities in development plans.

Inclusive Communication:
The organization will encourage the use and development of forms of communication suitable for persons with physical or mental disabilities.
Affirmative Action for Youths:
Members must take reasonable measures at every level, including affirmative action programs, to ensure that youths, individuals between the ages of fifteen and thirty-five years:
Access to Education and Training:
Efforts will be made to ensure that youths have access to appropriate education and training.
Protection from Harmful Practices:
Members must work towards protecting youths from harmful cultural practices, exploitation, and all forms of abuse.
Job Opportunities and Vocational Skills:
The organization is committed to creating opportunities for youths to secure jobs and meaningful ways to make a living through vocational skills training and support.
Members should foster and protect the institution of the family at every level, and in particular, must endeavor, within the limits of the resources available to them, to adopt measures for:
Care and Assistance:
Efforts will be made for the provision of care and assistance to mothers, fathers, and other family members who have charge of children.
Prevention of Domestic Violence:
Members are committed to adopting measures aimed at the prevention of domestic violence within families.

Affiliation Membership:
Individuals or entities shall apply for affiliation, and approval shall be granted by the registry department.

Associate Membership:
Entities may choose to partner with the council through a Memorandum of Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding, or other documents that formalize the association with the company, organization, or country.

Honorary Membership:
Honorary membership may be conferred upon reputable individuals, churches, organizations, or others chosen for this recognition by the Federal Central Committee or the Executive Committee.

Life Membership:
Life membership is granted to a Council member who has demonstrated diligence, trust, honesty, and integrity. Founders and Trustees automatically qualify for life membership.

Hall of Fame Membership:
Members who have excelled and shown excellence in their contributions to the Council may be honored with Hall of Fame membership. The Federal Central Committee has the authority to confer this honorary status upon individuals, groups, or churches.

vs1 - I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,

vs2 - With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;

vs3 - Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

vs4 - There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;

vs5 - One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

vs6 - One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

vs7 -But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.

vs8 - Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.

vs9 - (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?

vs10 - He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)

vs11 - And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

vs12 - For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

vs13 - Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

vs14 - That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

vs15 - But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:

vs16 - From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.
Ephesians 4:1-16 (KJV)

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