What We Do

About Us

Grounded in Unity: Our Mission

At the Council for Churches in Africa, we stand on the principles outlined in Ephesians 4:3-9, serving as a unifying force for churches and ecclesiastical authorities across the continent. Our mission is clear: to unite churches and their leaders, fostering collaboration to build the body of Christ. Through our collective efforts, we strive to promote unity, love, and fellowship among believers, guided by the teachings of scripture.

Equipping Spiritual Leaders

The Council for Churches in Africa plays a vital role in grooming clergy, bishops, apostles, prophets, and other spiritual leaders, providing guidance and support as they fulfill their divine calling. With a firm foundation in the orderly guidance of the Holy Spirit, our organization is dedicated to empowering leaders with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to serve their communities effectively. By investing in the development of spiritual leaders, we aim to strengthen the church and advance God’s kingdom here on earth.

A Diverse Ecumenical Body

As the acronym suggests, the Council for Churches in Africa (CCA) represents a diverse range of faith-based organizations, including apostolic, pentecostal, evangelical, prophetic, charismatic, protestant, episcopal, zionist, and missionary groups, as well as gospel artists and individuals of faith. Our ecumenical and ecclesiastical authority umbrella body embraces the rich tapestry of Christianity in Africa and around the world, fostering unity and cooperation among believers of all denominations.

Making a Collective Impact

With over 6100 affiliated churches and 49 million individuals, the Council for Churches in Africa is making a significant impact on communities across the continent. Through collaborative efforts, we address pressing social, economic, and spiritual challenges, providing support and resources to those in need. Together, we are transforming lives, spreading the message of hope, and advancing God’s kingdom, one community at a time.

Founder and President

Archbishop Dr Rocky Moyo

A Letter to Clergymen

Shalom to you all! I welcome you to join our esteemed organisation in helping to build the body of Christ as stipulated by Ephesians 4. It is the duty of church leaders to complement such a noble initiative. I appeal to all fellow Clergymen to fulfill this spiritual assignment with steadfast love, commitment and respect for one another. This is done through tolerance and co-existence.

Benefits of Affiliating with CCA
There are a battery of benefits associated with joining Council for Churches in Africa. This ranges from empowerment initiatives for both church leadership and entire congregants, human capital development initiatives, leadership training and development, ecumenism, property ownership, control and investments, mortgaging and loaning systems, microfinance investments, among others.
We also complement our respective governments through advocacy, policy formulation and development, mutual engagements, consultations and proper resource governance. Supporting educational systems through building schools, vocational training and skills development centres for our affiliate membership have also become our major priority. 
We welcome all like-minded Clergymen to join the organisation and drive CCA Mission and Vision forward. Wish you a happy and prosperous *2024* year ahead.
Yours Sincerely in Christ,
Arch-bishop Professor Dr Rocky Moyo
CCA Founder



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